You might be surprised to find that investment advice is not the first thing we discuss with clients, and in fact, it is actually quite a ways down the list. That’s not to say it is unimportant to the overall financial plan and helping our clients meet their objectives, but it must be provided in the proper context to be useful. If an advisor doesn’t understand the client’s full picture, the quality of advice in any one area, including investment advice, can suffer significantly. A truly comprehensive financial plan, therefore, is much more than investment advice. It is an all-purpose tool that enables planner and client, working together, to make better financial decisions because each individual decision is made within the context of the full picture.
Fee-Only financial planning:
As Fee-Only planners we are compensated solely by the client, and do not receive compensation that is contingent on the purchase or sale of a financial product. We do not receive commissions, rebates, awards, finder’s fees, bonuses or any form of compensation from others as a result of a client’s implementation of the our planning recommendations.
Planning Process
You might be surprised to find that investment advice is not the first thing we discuss with clients, and in fact, it is actually quite a ways down the list. That’s not to say it is unimportant to the overall financial plan and helping our clients meet their objectives, but it must be provided in the proper context to be useful. If an advisor doesn’t understand the client’s full picture, the quality of advice in any one area, including investment advice, can suffer significantly. A truly comprehensive financial plan, therefore, is much more than investment advice. It is an all-purpose tool that enables planner and client, working together, to make better financial decisions because each individual decision is made within the context of the full picture.
Fee-Only financial planning:
As Fee-Only planners we are compensated solely by the client, and do not receive compensation that is contingent on the purchase or sale of a financial product. We do not receive commissions, rebates, awards, finder’s fees, bonuses or any form of compensation from others as a result of a client’s implementation of the our planning recommendations.
Planning Process